Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Features: No Sign-Up Required & Speaking Indicators

With the help of your great feedback we've launched 2 new features this week.

1) No Sign-Up Required
This feature helps make your mingles even more accessible. Invite someone to your MingleRoom and they will be granted access even if they don't have an account. They will simply be prompted to enter a name for their name tag and they are in - it's that easy!

2) Speaking Indicators
Although the 3D sound makes it easy to tell who is talking based on their position in the room, you have asked to also include visual cues. Now when a mingler is speaking their avatar will have a blue glow - making it even easier to know who is speaking.

Come try it out in the Welcome Room.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mingleverse Update

Well, we've had a very busy last few weeks. Len and I spent some time in Banff at the Banff Venture Forum followed by a day in donwtown Vancouver at the SOHO SME Expo where we were able to demo Mingleverse to many small and medium sized businesses.

The positive feedback we received was very encouraging especially from those excited about the opportunity to supplement their income by using their MingleRoom and the admission system to earn some extra money. One person really put it into perspective for me when explaining us to her friend, "What Ebay and Amazon have done for selling your products to the world, Mingleverse is doing for selling your services".

We continue to receive many feature requests and I'm happy to say that we've been working hard on what we are calling 'casual entrance' where your guests will not be required to sign-up for a Mingleverse account to enter your MingleRoom. This means that once you have sent them an invitation to your MingleRoom, all it takes is a click of a link for them to enter - it's a matter of seconds! We're hoping to release this feature along with several back-end upgrades this week - so stay tuned.
