Friday, May 14, 2010

Facebook Image Sharing Just Got Much More Social

How social is looking at images on your Facebook page or someone else’s page, if you do it alone? Well, it is not social enough in our mind. That’s why our Facebook Application can now access the images stored on your Facebook page. Invite your friends into the mingle and enjoy your snapshots together, whether they are from your most recent vacation, childhood memories, or a special event.

Of course, sharing images is just one small part of our Facebook app. Watch YouTube or Justin TV together with friends, or share presentations with colleagues. Stream videos live in your room or stream yourself via your webcam. If you ask us, talking live and sharing live does not get much more social and we are pretty excited about it.

If you are already a registered Mingleverse user, you can use your Mingle Room in Facebook and if you are new, setting up your room is done in less than 10 seconds. And yes, it is free. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Head over to Mingleverse on Facebook here: