Monday, December 21, 2009

Top 10 Mingling Countries

1. Canada
2. India
3. United States
4. Pakistan
5. Egypt
6. Philippines
7. Iran
8. Hungary
9. United Arab Emirates
10. China

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Features Update

Ohhh exciting times! We released some new features today along with some essential bug fixes and fancy back-end work.

No Headphones Mode
Don't have headphones handy? No problem. We've implemented a "push-to-talk" mode where you can enter the room and just use your computer speakers and microphone.

Although a convenient feature, it is still highly recommended that you wear a headset to experience 3D voice chat.

Improved First Time Experience
We've built a nifty set-up process that makes the first-time experience much easier. New minglers will go through our simple step-by-step process to make sure everything is configured properly before they join your mingle.

Enhanced Host Controls
Hosts now have the benefit of directing your attention to them or to their presentation screen. From the 'Minglers' tab the host can click 'Look at me' or 'Look at the screen' and all guests will be directed in the proper direction. Additionally, the host can choose to put the guests in a line, circle or grid.

Those are the biggest changes we've made.. you'll run into some smaller ones as you mingle.

There is a lot to look forward to over the next couple weeks. You'll see us release some improvements to our user interface, implement groups functionality, and we're going to take some time to make our existing features better :)

- Daniel